Another creation along my pagan practice journey!
Sigils are picturesque symbols used in magic to be imbued with intent to represent a desired outcome.
The sigils I create are done so through meditation and increased focus on the specific goal I have in mind.
For this particular sigil, I meditated on what it truly meant to be confident. How confidence in the self can breed success in all areas of life. Work, studies, hobbies--- every aspect of life is directly influenced by the confidence we have to simply try.
Being human, and having the ability to think, and to doubt, is both a blessing and a curse.

There are things in this life that we may feel we are not ready for. Some things even I can come up with one thousand different reasons why I am not ready to try something.
But if we do not have the confidence to even begin, when will we find out if what we dream is even possible?
Through confidence in ourselves, we gain the courage and the drive to try something new. Try something we have been doing for years--- whatever it may be.
And in that act, is the true magic of confidence. The energy of confidence is not any different than the magical energy we put into wishing stones, pennies that we throw into fountains, spell candles, or even a lucky rabbits foot.
We all have the magic needed to make positive change in our lives. And confidence is the first step on that brick road.
The process of tattooing the sigils are taken with great care. Not only are all materials sterile and clean as per industry standard, but all materials are cleansed spiritually before application. Clients can choose to come after hours to be uninterrupted, or be covered behind a screen to allow privacy.
A final word: Sigils themselves are nothing more than images on paper. There is nothing inherently magical about them by themselves. Like any other tattoo, they only have meaning if the recipient gives meaning to it. No claims or guarantees are made, but magic lives in everyone.
Nothing in this world happens accidentally. If you are drawn to the image, think on it.